
Christine Ashton will be speaking at a Lunch & Learn for Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade – “Employer Best Practices: Hire Contractors or Employees?”

For most businesses, labour costs represent a large portion of the day-to-day operating expenses. In order to remain profitable and competitive, particularly in today’s quickly changing marketplace, it is important for business…

Christine Ashton is appointed as a member to the 2017 Council of Ajax-Pickering-Board of Trade

Heather Whitten and Diane Karnay co-facilitated for the TechConnex Legal Perspectives Peer Group – The Purchase and Sale of a Business: Important Considerations

Robin MacKnight and Christine Ashton presented at our Breakfast for Business Seminar – “Best Practices for Accountants: Tax Dispute Resolutions”

The areas to be covered in this seminar are: Introduction to Tax Disputes Legal Disputes Factual Disputes The Tax Dispute Process Best Practices at the Objection Stage Best Practices at the Appeals…

Purchase & Sale of Business Agreements: Important Considerations

Heather Whitten, John Moore, Diane Karnay and Alexandra Popoff presented at our Breakfast for Business Seminar “Purchase & Sale of Business Agreements: Important Considerations” The areas covered in this seminar are: Road…

Improving your Workforce: Employee Hiring & Management Practices

Christine Ashton will be speaking at the Ajax Pickering Board of Trade Seminar Speaker:Christine Ashton, Wilson Vukelich LLP When:Thursday, September 8, 2016 Where:Pickering Library Auditorium 1The Esplanade, 2nd FloorPickering ON L1V 2R6…